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Suggerimenti per organizzarsi; come chiunque può organizzarsi.
Organised living is a much under-rated part of anyone's life. However to anyone who isn't, getting there can seem quite daunting. Being organised at work, at home or anywere else offers great benefits! Having a plan is the first step towards achieving this organisational greatness. But there are methods and tools out there to really help you. Here are some of our best tips to help you.
As with any project like this, you need to plan. Also allow yourself plenty of time and space for doing any organisational project. Juggling family, work or other commitments at the same time won't work. Taking on too much too soon will never work, aim for bite-size chunks. Baby steps. That initial time investment will be worthwhile though. Having an organised life will ultimately save you lots of time further down the line, so give yourself time to tackle the project.
With any Shadow Foam project we take on, our approach is always plan, plan and plan again. It's worth it.
Get organised
An organised home
This is where it really gets fun. Whether it's your home life or organising your family, home organisation is the most fulfilling project. Imagine never missing another appointment because you've wasted time looking for something. The kids never losing something essential they need for their homework? The time you'll have spare to spend with family as you need to tidy and de-clutter less.
We've seen our Shadow Foam product widely used in all walks of life. Most impressively we have recently seen visually impaired and those living with dementia sufferers using the product. It's a great means of ensuring kitchen items can be found and replaced quickly.
Getting organised in the workplace
It might be that your workplace already employs Lean, 5S, Six Sigma or other visual management systems. Whether they do have workplace organisation systems or they don't, it always pays for us as individuals to operate in the most organised way we can. Whether we want a tidy mind, increased efficiency or just to know if someone has been helping themselves to our stuff, Shadow Foam is a great medium for delivering on all levels.
Your tools at work obviously benefit from being protected and organised with Shadow Foam. But what about our tech? Especially for those working on the road, in the field or hybrid working? Creating organised workspaces on the move is a great benefit of a product like ours. Maybe you've considered getting your drawers organised and tidy in the office? We've seen this used to great effect by GP's in doctors surgeries so they always know their essential bits of kit are on hand when they need them.
Tech organisation
Of course we touched on this above for our workplace tech. But using Shadow Foam you can protect tech for anyone, wherever they are and however they use it.
We're widely seeing parents protecting and storing their kids gaming systems and related tech accessories. Not only will it ensure the protection of the items against damage, but if kids are travelling (holidays, between family members homes or to friends houses) then it will help stop them losing things and leaving things behind. In exactly the same way Shadow Foam works professionally in tool control environments, it can do the same for your family's most expensive bits of kit!
An organised life
This can cover so many different areas of our lives, but with so many of us always looking for life hacks to make things easier, quicker or more productive, then Shadow Foam is a great tool to have in your closet.
Ever throught about getting your car boot organised? No more rattling about of your jack, spare tyre and wrench? Or you might have hobby equipment like airguns, games, drones or even archery sets. If it's precious or valuable, then protect it. This will not just bring you maximum efficiency, but will save you money further down the line. Perhaps your a campervan owner? Is your spare time spent in a caravan? Or even a motorhome? If so, this can bring you the ultimate holy grail of everything in it's place with no more rattles!
Shadow Foam really is the pinnacle of life hacks, being so versatile as to help you in any area of your life.
The perfect tool organiser
And finally, the thing you've all come to know and love Shadow Foam for. The perfect tool organiser for getting your tools protected. This, after all, is how Shadow Foam started out, as a tool control product.
We know that whatever tools you use, wherever you use them, there's a need for Shadow Foam to attain the best levels of organisation. Find what you need first time, every time. Eliminate the risk of leaving things on site by having this in place as a control measure. Save yourself money and unexpected costs from lost or damaged tools. And remember, with Shadow Foam, you'll never lose a tool again!